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Demo Compo #4 - RESULTS! Posted: 2012-06-06 13:58  (Last Edited: 2012-07-01 06:11) Reply | Quote


Member for: 5944 days
Location: Canada
Status: Offline

Update (1/07/2012): The results are in!

And the winner is...






Many congratulations to him for his amazing entry, Neon Starlight. Clever DPCM usage and a magnifiscent composition allowed him to claim first place, with an average score of 17.39/20! Congratulations also to Kevvviiinnn and fluidvolt for securing second and third place with scores of 16.9/20 and 16.34/20, respectively. Rushjet1, Fezuke, tripflag and SriK also deserve a honourable mention for scoring within 2 points from second place. :)

Neon Starlight, Superfusion and Pallid Underbrush will become demos when 0.3.8 gets released. Kudos to fluidvolt for getting top-3 for the second time!

You may consult the full results here. The new entry pack with filenames and metadata left intact is also available.

Keep an eye out for the DC5 thread!

Hello and once again, welcome to this new installment of the Demo Compo series! As always, I will be your host for this contest. The rules are still the same: the contest lasts three weeks (exactly twenty-one days), and voting happen during the following week When the results are announced, the first three entries will be promoted to Official FamiTracker demo module!

Every two weeks we alternate between covers and originals, and the sound hardware to use will be different. This week we're doing Originals!

The category for this installment is 2A03 + DPCM! Unlike last time, for this installment, DPCM usage is mandatory - this is to distinguish 2A03 from Classical as a category. See rules for more details on this rule.

Also - and I cannot stress this enough - entrants should ensure their entry is compatible with version 0.3.7 of FamiTracker (the latest stable release as of this moment). That means features like fixed arps and DPCM sample bankswitching, which are new in 0.3.8, are not allowed.

  • ArchJ
  • Fezuke
  • fluidvolt
  • Glitch_King
  • Kevvviiinnn
  • kinkinkijkin
  • Necrophageon
  • Raijin
  • rainwarrior
  • Roykeru
  • RushJet1
  • Slimeball
  • SriK
  • tripflag
  • cak
  • ElHuesudoII
  • Gamma
  • tadpole
  • Xyz_39808
  • Zephemeros
Normal = Has registered but has not submitted their entry
Green = Has submitted their entry
Blue = Has submitted and voted
Cyan = Did not participate but has voted
Red = Not eligible for voting

Sign up in the thread below (or join me privately here or in #famitracker at irc.esper.net)!

Note that anyone can enter even if your name isn't on the list, this is just here for convenience's sake so you have a general idea who you're up against!

Rules and guidelines:

-All entries must be in FamiTracker Module (FTM) format only. You may provide an NSF alongside your FTM for exhibition purposes when the voting phase is over, but judging will be done using the FTM source file.
-Submissions are limited to only ONE FTM file per entrant. Subsequent entries will be disregarded.
-Each FTM may contain only ONE track. If you submit a FTM with more than one track, I will delete those after the first one.
-Entries must be compatible with the latest stable release (version 0.3.7), which will be used for judging entries.
-Usage of the DPCM channel is mandatory. This means you must use at least one DPCM sample regularly throughout your module. Use common sense! I reserve the right to refuse an entry I think doesn't use the DPCM channel enough. You can either use it for percussion or use it creatively (hint: creativity = more technique points!), it doesn't matter as long as you're not using it once for a voice sample or something. Again, use common sense!
-Usage of any expansion chip is strictly forbidden.
-Overclocking is allowed, but strictly within program limitations (e.g. clock speeds over 400 Hz are not allowed).
-Similarly, use of a cheat engine or of any sort of hex editing to overcome the program's limitations is not allowed.
-Covers are strictly forbidden.
-NSFs produced using other programs and imported into FamiTracker are not accepted. Again, I reserve the right to refuse entries I suspect of being the product of the NSF Importer.
-Similarly, MIDI->NSF conversions are not accepted.
-Anonymity is strongly encouraged to make voting as fair as possible. In keeping with this guideline, submitting modules written prior to the competition is strongly discouraged.

Submitting & voting:

-On June 20, I will start collecting entries. Submission period ends June 27, 12:00 midnight, Eastern time. To avoid confusion, that means you've got until the end of June 26 to submit.
-Entries must be submitted to me anonymously. Emails to democompo@gmail.com are preferred.
-Entries will be renamed, and author/copyright info will be removed from them. When the voting period ends, the full pack will be redistributed with that info left intact (so don't remove it before submitting).
-Voting is also done anonymously (to the address above), and will be done as follows:
  • There will be two categories, Musicality and Technique.
  • Voters will mark each entry out of 10 for each category.
  • I will add up the two scores, and make an average of each entry's combined scores.

-In order for first place, second place and third place modules to be made official demo modules, they must receive a combined average score of at least 17, 16 and 15 respectively. This is to avoid the awkward situation where no entry is truly deserving of being a demo, but ends up in one of those positions due to lack of participation.
-Voting is compulsory for all entrants. Failure to cast your votes by the end of the voting deadline will result in a 1 pt. penalty on your final score. This is to prevent situations where I am stuck with only a small fraction of participants voting, leading to unfair results.
-Voting is optional for non-participants (but very appreciated).
-For those concerned with transparency and fairness, I will participate, but will not vote.

As always, if you have any questions or concerns about the rule or the voting system, let me know and I'll try to address them!

Have fun! :)

Follow me on Twitter.
I record (some) NSFs on hardware. Feel free to request a hardware render.
Posted: 2012-06-06 16:04 Reply | Quote


Member for: 4711 days
Location: Sydney, Australia
Status: Offline

I may submit to this. I will have to see if I can get anything I like written up

bite-sized songs inspired by rhythm game music, in Famitracker: http://soundcloud.com/patashu
Posted: 2012-06-06 18:47  (Last Edited: 2012-06-06 21:09) Reply | Quote


Member for: 4681 days
Status: Offline

Heheh, I was expecting FDS. But I like that we're doing 2A03 again. Gives me more time to figure out what I'm supposed to do with the 5 channels that are going to be there in every compo.

Sign me up.

Posted: 2012-06-06 23:22 Reply | Quote


Member for: 5283 days
Location: England
Status: Offline

Emphasis on DPCM with no bankswitching? I'm wondering if now might be a good time to allow 0.3.8 entries.

Posted: 2012-06-07 00:06 Reply | Quote


Member for: 5944 days
Location: Canada
Status: Offline

psn wrote:
Emphasis on DPCM with no bankswitching? I'm wondering if now might be a good time to allow 0.3.8 entries.

0.3.8 entries will be allowed when 0.3.8 gets a stable release, and not before that I'm afraid... I understand everyone's eagerness to have access to nifty features like fixed arps and 256kb of bankswitching, but jsr encourages users to use the latest stable release, and I want to stick to that philosophy. Betas are by their very nature buggy and therefore there could always be something in those feature, or even in 2A03 emulation or any other chip emulation really. We don't know! Granted, the stable version isn't exempt from bugs but it's the "official" build so might as well use that instead.

Again, I understand why it might be frustrating, especially since the demos are indeed intended for the 0.3.8 stable release, but for the time being, we'll have to do with 0.3.7... :\

Follow me on Twitter.
I record (some) NSFs on hardware. Feel free to request a hardware render.
Posted: 2012-06-07 00:25 Reply | Quote


Member for: 4688 days
Location: California
Status: Offline

sure yea this sound like a doozey

Some other sites I have made shelter on...
Ye Youtube
Ye Chipmusic
Ye BotB
Posted: 2012-06-07 00:46 Reply | Quote


Member for: 4736 days
Location: University of Maryland, College Park
Status: Offline

I'm in.

Steel Assault - NES styled 2D action game
Posted: 2012-06-07 00:46 Reply | Quote


Member for: 4906 days
Location: Campbell River, British Columbia
Status: Offline

Wait a second... Shouldn't this one be MMC5 originals seeing as how DC #3 was MMC5?
I thought 2A03 with DPCM was being revisited after all the other expansion chips... guess I was wrong :P

| youtube | soundcloud |
Posted: 2012-06-07 01:33  (Last Edited: 2012-06-07 01:33) Reply | Quote


Member for: 5160 days
Location: England
Status: Offline


iGotno_scope wrote:
im going to continue making this crazy stuff then after a while my style will be so sick that you will be like damn suuun that shit is so sick i dont even get it. i will be like bro its ok.. you dont have to.
Posted: 2012-06-07 01:47  (Last Edited: 2012-06-07 01:48) Reply | Quote


Member for: 5944 days
Location: Canada
Status: Offline


Follow me on Twitter.
I record (some) NSFs on hardware. Feel free to request a hardware render.
Posted: 2012-06-07 01:56 Reply | Quote


Member for: 4795 days
Location: Garland, Texas
Status: Offline

I'm in :D

RE: Demo Compo #4 - 2A03 Originals ! Posted: 2012-06-07 03:17 Reply | Quote


Member for: 4696 days
Location: CA
Status: Offline

I'm in.

Posted: 2012-06-07 03:18 Reply | Quote


Member for: 5110 days
Status: Offline

Mooothhherrrfuckkkerrrrr. When is 2A03+DPCM covers? I started mine before last competition, and then started an MMC5 original the other night so I would be able to finish before the last minute. Grrrrrr.

(Also, I'll try to write something for this one.)

Posted: 2012-06-07 03:39 Reply | Quote


Member for: 5085 days
Status: Offline

jrlepage wrote:
I decided to abandon the pattern idea because it prompted some people to get a head start and begin working on their entry before the contest had even started.

That won't help. I'm already working on a VRC7 cover =P

Youtube Channel
Posted: 2012-06-08 07:38 Reply | Quote


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Location: oregon
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