Took me 3 hours with a 5 hour shift at work in between to get that 100% . Thanks for the suggestion.
[edit:]Ah no wonder I can't find online help, it came out just 2 days ago :\
I got 100% in 2:17:49.48, but my map is only 99%. Haven't beaten the boss rush yet. Good game. I didn't like it at first, but I kept playing and it got quite interesting.
First pic is a super duper secret. Just have gravity as up or down and hop in to the left in that room where the snail lives in the ground instead of tree houses (top left of beginning level).
Second. Go to Isis. Gravity to the right. Move all the way down. Go a few pixels up. Then gravity left and turn into shell. At the perfect spot, you'll fall through the wall.
I think this is a total glitch and seems to coincide perfectly as a Metroid Secret Worlds glitch. The only thing in this first room is that the top of the screen is death. In fact, moving from any screen in this tiny entrance of the secret world results in death.
However, the death can be avoided if you just shell yourself again ^_^. I got into the Space Box's room with the Isis music playing. All it needs is a pallet swap a la Metroid But it fixes itself when you go through a door.
I'm gonna be looking for more secret entrances to shell through.
The reason we keep getting 98% map is because we've been missing the 2 hidden Secret Snelk rooms. I found one so far.
Also, found a much better entrance to secret worlds. Top right area of Lux Lurata where you go outside to space (other snail asks if you should even be there). The glitch seems to work whenever you shell into a 1x1 area on the game's grid that happens to be along a borderless edge. This place has one that has 3 borderless edges, one of which is already the northenmost part of the world map :o It really glitches out and slows down. But I find shelling in/out and shooting a bit will recover things.
Oh, I didn't realize anyone would want the FTM files! I originally planned to post NSF files, but the exported NSF for Moon Snail sounded really strange, so I figured I'd just upload MP3s. (I used FT's WAV export feature to make the in-game sound.)
Well, here they are! They're probably a bit inexpertly made, so I wouldn't mind some constructive criticism if you see something really dumb :-)
Thanks for that map. I would've never found that one 2 below rainwarrior's position.
annnnnnnd thanks for showing the map that has the whereabouts of the boss rush.
Secret world boss rush room LOL
Please don't fix these bugs. I absolutely love that I'm playing a meta-game that you didn't create. It just created itself out of its need to exist <3
Ha ha, a map from the author feels a lot like cheating.
One above the purple room I missed, is that the other snelk room? Can't figure out how to get in there. The white bordered room in the top left eludes me as well.
Thanks for making this game, auriplane. I had a lot of fun!
Actually, that top left room is still on the map, but can't be reached without cheating (or possibly glitching). It contains the gravity shock powerup, which is disabled in the final version. It was accessed via a secret passage in the room to its right.
That image I posted earlier is what the game looks like with the level editor zoomed all the way out. I made a slightly nicer map, which I'll attach to this post.